Open Letter to Apple
Your CEO, Tim Cook, must go. It’s as simple as that.
This isn’t about Apple’s vision or products. Even though their integrity has waned under his watch. This is about his personal donation of $1 million to a convicted felon.
Putting aside the fact that this criminal is a sexual abuser, misogynist, racist, bigot, ableist, proponent of violence, racketeer, swindler, treasonist, perjurer, mishanlder of classified documents, and otherwise a general repugnant human being. Who also publicly sexualized his own daughter. He is a convicted felon.
Is that the leadership Apple wants?
Sure, Tim’s money is his money. His choices are his own. He can do what he pleases, whether or not they reflect Apple’s values. But this still reflects on Apple.
This is not a social profile disclaimer that reads “opinions are my own and do not reflect those of my employer.” This is a massive financial contribution to someone who has literally declared they are going to end Democracy, along with all of its social and legislative benefits. Including the right to vote. And it brings into question if Apple products are poised to become a weapon in the hands of a fascist dictator.
That’s your CEO. The man who inherited an Apple product base that was thriving, and watched it slip into subpar offerings. And now he’s showing us who he is as a human. It’s not a good look.
I’m not a “fan boy,” as they say. I don’t believe Apple can do no wrong. Or that they can’t make some bad products. But I have exclusively used Apple products since the first day of my career, over 25 years ago. I like Apple products, and I want the company to be successful. But this situation really makes me question the company I’m supporting with my career.
Tim Cook is not the leader Apple needs. He never has been. We gave him a chance, but he failed to deliver. And this donation? Well, it’s a betrayal of epic proportions. To both Apple and its customers.
His decision to buy the snacks for this inauguration party shows that he does not care about either. You know it. We know it. And he knows it.
Replace your leadership. Now. Find a woman, or a person of color, or someone who is gay—and supports their respective community(ies) instead of giving money to people who actively try to oppress them. Find someone who is simply not the stereotypical white guy who will blindly lick boots and support filthy-rich fascists.
Your CEO, Tim Cook, must go. It’s as simple as that. Anything less is an indictment of Apple’s integrity as a whole.
#Fascism #Apple #TimCook #EatTheRich #Billionaires #OpenLetter
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