Mark W.rites


Information architecture outline aside an illustration of a web page. The outline shows a parent of fruit with two children: apples and melons. The apples branch has three children: Pink Lady, Envy, and Honeycrisp. The melons branch has one child: Sugar Kiss. The web page illustration shows a long passage of fake content with a headline that reads 'apples.' A sidebar shows three navigation items from the apples branch of the outline.

The fundamental purpose of information architecture is to enable efficient information retrieval. We accomplish this with meaningful information structure and intuitive labels. And we bring them together with sensible navigation design.


Sketches on notebook paper: the word 'godspeed' surrounded by ominous symbols.

Etymology is a meaningful part of my profession. Especially when working on Information Architecture and information design. It isn’t always a factor when considering language usage, but it does come into play. In any case, for a grammar enthusiast like myself it’s super fun to dive into the etymology of any given word, rabbit holes and all.