Mark W.rites

Articles and essays on design, technology, and my POV of the world. For shorter bursts find me on Mastodon.

Colorized photo of the entrance gate into Auschwitz that reads “arbeit macht frei.” The words “never again hashtag international holocaust remembrance day” are overlaid.

Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. And this year, it feels especially important to acknowledge, given the rise of fascism around the world.


Colorful grid of various applications of the Bell Centennial typeface. The name is large and centered. Surrounding it are dates, AT&T, the label “ink trap contractors,” and a typeface sample sentence.

In 1978, Matthew Carter designed the typeface Bell Centennial. It was a special typeface, built for a unique set of goals. What manifested was an adaptable typeface that tackled the printing challenge of “dot gain.”


Illustration on an embroidered patch of three human skulls in a row. The first is covering its eyes and is labeled ‘see no evil.’ The second is covering its mouth and is labeled ‘speak no evil.’ The third is covering its ears and is labeled ‘hear no evil.’

Your CEO, Tim Cook, must go. It’s as simple as that.


Colorful collage of music icons: reel to reel tape player, blank cassette tape cases, vintage turntable, blank cassette tape, speaker, and cassette player.

Music is of my favorite parts of the human experience. Few things bring me more joy. So every year I compile a list of my favorites to share with everyone.


A silhouetted illustration with spliced segments of photographs. It’s a black and white hand holding a pen that appears to be drawing a white flower. The pen's ink reservoir appears to be bright red billowing smoke.

Over the past couple years I’ve only written a handful of articles. This is because I’ve been writing a book. But this year I found the time to publish fifteen new pieces. I also published heaps of posts on Mastodon.


Two illustrations side by side of a family of four surrounding a flower pot: a father, a mother, a son, and a daughter. In the first their expressions are flat. In the second, a small child is rising from the pot with a sun burst behind him, and the family’s expressions are now smiles.
Illustration by Mark Wyner

November is National Adoption Month, as set forth by Barack Obama in 2011. My wife and I are parents of five children, three of them adopted. I’d like to share some things we’ve learned on our journey (including transracial adoption).


Pixel illustration of a man with a big beard, a hat, and a backpack, holding a flag on a mountain top.

On November 10, 2014 I published my first article on Medium. I had published other pieces elsewhere, but it was my first on this new-to-me platform. It was also the first time I published my own work instead of writing for publications.


Information architecture outline aside an illustration of a web page. The outline shows a parent of fruit with two children: apples and melons. The apples branch has three children: Pink Lady, Envy, and Honeycrisp. The melons branch has one child: Sugar Kiss. The web page illustration shows a long passage of fake content with a headline that reads 'apples.' A sidebar shows three navigation items from the apples branch of the outline.

The fundamental purpose of information architecture is to enable efficient information retrieval. We accomplish this with meaningful information structure and intuitive labels. And we bring them together with sensible navigation design.


Photos of Clara and Leia side by side, each with their side buns. Clara is standing outside in front of an ornate building with a stoic expression. She is wearing a bandolier, a bullet belt with a gun in a holster, and is holding a sword in one hand and a rifle in the other. Leia is in a photography studio looking straight at the camera with a stoic expression with her hands behind her neck and her elbows pointed downward.
Clara de la Rocha on the left, Princess Leia on the right

On May 25th, 1977, the world met Star Wars, a film that changed science fiction forever. Go back nearly a century—to 1890—and a much smaller world met Clara de la Rocha, a woman who changed Mexico forever. And Princess Leia brought them together. At least according to George Lucas.


Scene in front of a school with a group of Black students climbing the steps as they enter the building. Front and center is a boy with a large afro and a vividly-patterned dress shirt with a butterfly collar. Near him is a girl in a nice flowery shirt with a concerned look on her face, being comforted by an adult. Behind him some other students are approaching, and behind them are a sea of white people near an iron fence, protesting their approach.

I don’t know that I have ever told this story to anyone, other than my wife, but there are a handful of people around my age who may remember it well.